Times like these reinforce how much relationships matter.
The power of an understanding ear, reaching out to simply check-in on neighbors, friends and clients goes a long way. Turns out, that’s what many of us life insurance agents do on a daily basis. Source: NLG

We are coaches, we are listeners, we encourage people to protect their loved ones and to plan for their future. It is challenging, but important work. No one wants to think about not being around to provide for their families, or not being there to ensure a business stays afloat and employees are taken care of. But when you have something worth protecting, you have a responsibility to take care of those who depend on you.
We help people navigate their long-term financial goals. We nudge people to think about the unexpected and the situations in life that we really don’t want to think about…but need to. We give people the tools to help them make informed decisions today and down the road. These are things we agents do each day, to serve others.
My path to become an agent and small business owner started eight years ago when I began working in marketing at National Life. I never thought of myself as a salesperson, but I sure do like meeting people, getting to know their stories and helping them find solutions. After working in the industry and getting to know some incredible agents and the positive impact they make, I left the comfort of my corporate job to become an agent. It was the most thrilling and somewhat terrifying moment of my professional career. The desire to make a larger impact and the flexibility to do so with an entrepreneurial spirit compelled me to take the leap.
Each family and business owner I meet and get to know reinforces just how much this work matters. It is fulfilling knowing that I’m helping people to worry less and protect their family’s financial security. That fulfillment shows up when I’m helping a single mom get that extra peace of mind for her and her young daughter. It happens when I sit down with a newly married couple and help them navigate building their financial future, or when I help grandparents think about the legacy that they want to leave their grandchildren. I’ve found my purpose in serving others.
These are the stories we agents are shaping each day. Working in financial services truly is a relationship business. I’m proud to work with a company with strong values that has been keeping its promises for over 170 years. I share my story to help debunk the stigma of so-called sales people, to share that perhaps a career you never thought possible could be your true calling, and to let you know that through good times and bad, agents are here for you.
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