For over 20 years, educating and providing American families with a revolutionary “new kind” of protection has been our crusade.
When we say we’re the nation’s leader in Living Benefits life insurance, that’s not just us blowing smoke. The first Living Benefits policy ever sold by an independent agent was sold in 1998 by our agent, and ever since then, we’ve made Living Benefits our calling card. We’ve spent the past two decades blazing the trail for Living Benefits products - working with carriers to develop proprietary products, pushing for improvements and innovation, and championing the “new kind” of life insurance wherever we go.
FCA Insurance Services partners share our love for Living Benefits, and enjoy the perks that come with being partnered with us. From the most basic term policy all the way up to large-scale premium finance cases and everything in between, our policies are going to come with the best Living Benefits features in the industry, built-in and at no additional premium cost.
Knowledge is Power, We Provide Free Education.
We have knowledge based consultative approach and that's because education leads to empowerment. Empowerment leads to action. We live by these words every day, which is why our primary focus is always on client education. Free financial education is our passion and our mission is to eradicate the epidemic of medical bankruptcy by empowering our clients through education.